Today’s Wonder of the Day was inspired by Wayne from NY. Wayne Wonders, “How streets got their names? ” Thanks for WONDERing with us, Wayne!

When you hear Broadway, Abbey Road, and Bourbon Street, what comes to mind? Bright lights? The Beatles? Mardi Gras? They are some of the most recognizable streets in the world, and though you may never have set foot on any of them, their names are a familiar part of modern culture.

So what's in a name? A lot! In the early days of urban development in the United States, streets were typically named after landmarks (like Canal or Market), topographic features (like Hill or Water), or location (like East or Upper). Major streets were often given names of power (like State or King) or after heroes and leaders (like Washington or Jefferson).

Until the mid-1900s, the majority of the population lived in densely-populated cities. The roads in urbanized cities were typically laid out in logical, organized grids.

Around 1950, however, people began moving out of cities to build homes in the countryside where they could have more land and less urban congestion. This movement was the birth of what we now call suburbia.

For the first time, many people were moving into homes with private yards and trees. Inspired by the growing suburban trend and increased value people were placing on nature, it became common for suburban communities to name streets after trees and plants (like Elm or Vine or Magnolia).

When it comes to new and modern urban development, developers are typically responsible for naming streets in the new neighborhoods they build. Developers often choose street names based on certain desired traits they want people to associate with the neighborhood. From Whispering Pine Drive to Buckingham Lane, harnessing the suggestive power of words helps shape a neighborhood even before the first home has been built.

Wonder What's Next?

Tomorrow’s Wonder of the Day will take you on a trip through your veins and arteries!